Responsible procurement is important to our members, to their students, to their staff and to us. We want to look after our communities, our fellow global citizens and our environment. By working with us, members access agreements tendered with responsible procurement in mind. Members can be responsible procurement champions by getting involved in our working groups. Procurement and sustainability leads can access online tools to manage activity in supply chains – looking at modern slavery, supporting local SMEs and protecting our environment. We help members deliver responsible solutions to procurement challenges.
UKUPC set up a Responsible Procurement Network in July 2020 with the aim of achieving a consistent approach across the consortia to responsible procurement throughout our activities. The group reviews and promotes good responsible procurement practice across our combined membership, aiding both consortia procurement professionals and our members to embed best practice within their procurement operations. Further objectives include the review of supply chain risks and provision of guidance in building supply chain resilience in relation to ethical procurement and the impacts of climate change.
Each UKUPC member consortia has a representative on the network, which reports directly to the Joint Contracting Group (JCG). The network also updates the HEPA Responsible Procurement Group on consortia and collaborative responsible procurement activities.
UKUPC statement on negative human rights impacts global supply chainsWe have put together a list of external resources and websites which are useful and relevant to the sector, to support you with your Responsible Procurement activity.(UKUPC to provide shortened links)